13 July 2011

double date

Hello darling readers! (should any of you exist, that is)

I went on my very first double date last night.  Throughout my various short-lived relationships, I keep hearing friends say, 'we should double!' but no one ever follows through.  Well, The Tenor met my old roommate's husband at my birthday last week and they hit it off nicely, so we decided to act on the impulse to double. 

It was a delightful evening.  We decided to dress up and went to The Cheesecake Factory for a rich, delectable dessert.  When I arrived, he was waiting for me in the entrance with a lavender rose - my favorite color!  I adore flowers, and was definitely not expecting that.  I'm sure I spent most of the evening with a giddy little smile on my face.

The four of us got along just swimmingly, and talk ranged all over.  I know I've mentioned this before, but easy conversation is one of my favorite traits in a man - and the fact that he gets along so well with my best friends is wonderful.  It almost makes it too bad that this relationship has an expiration date...  Anyways, after dessert, my friend and her hubby left for an early night's sleep (silly old married people), and the Tenor and I went and sat by the fountain to talk for another couple hours - because talking to him is just that effortless.

Even in the middle of this awful desert, it was actually nice out last night.  Sitting under the 'stars,' (I counted three!), listening to a fountain, held in his arms, talking about everything - a perfect date.

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