04 July 2011


Hello and happy early morning of the Fourth of July!  I love America.

Things with The Tenor continue to progress as delightfully as could be hoped for.  Date #4 was watching a movie, cuddled up on the couch together, and once again talking until he absolutely had to leave or be late for work. 

I love that we get along so well with the same group of friends, as it exponentially increases the amount of time I get to spend with him.  There was a game night last night, and though it ended rather early (midnight is early!), he and I ended up sitting in the parking garage and talking for another three hours.  We played the question game - surely you've played this, too.  You take turns asking one another questions of any sort, and you can't cheat and ask the same question someone asked you, though you can answer your own question if you wish.  It's a wonderful way to get to know someone.  The more I learn about this boy, the sadder I am that it can only be a fling.

We did finally have a DTR of sorts last night.  It has been officially decided that, though we are dating, we are not 'boyfriend and girlfriend.'  As distance (and religious differences) dooms this to an abrupt end in mid-August, it seemed silly to attach titles suggesting a little more permanence.  I'm really okay with this, despite being in such unfamiliar territory. 

For one thing, he is beyond charming.  I wish I could list all the cute little things he has said in the last couple days.  They've melted my heart, but I'm afraid I'd probably just bore you, and that won't do.  Just rest content knowing that he always seems to know exactly what to say to make me unable to wipe the cheesy grin from my face, or to make me secretly glow with warmth inside.

A most interesting part of the conversation we had was talking about love languages, how we best feel cherished and how we show affection for others.  It was quite enlightening, and my brain is now occupied in finding little things I can do throughout the rest of the summer to make him feel on top of the world.  Even if it's a short relationship, it doesn't mean I should give less than my best, and that means making it not about myself, but about the other person, and making them feel loved and special. 

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